Monday, October 22, 2012

monday afternoon: meet fuxiang

wow. fuxiang -- or xiang-xiang, as it appears we will call her -- was not too happy to see us...but that passed pretty quickly. she fell asleep in the van on the way from the govt office to the hotel, and xia is proving to be one hell of a big sister, playing with her and speaking in chinese in a way that puts fuxiang at ease, and cracks her up to boot. i'm so very proud of xia. xiang-xiang (yes, i know that's too many x's for one house) was all smiles and giggles at dinner and we played for quite a while when we got back to the room -- but she didn't much like this going-to-bed thing. had to put earplugs in poor xia's ears, and i lay with xx cradling her at first to quiet her down, to no avail...when something prehensile stirred in the back of my skull. wait-- doesn't it work to have them sleep on top of you? so i transferred to my back, put her on my chest...and voila. quiet. everyone is sleeping now...fingers crossed. will post lots more pix tomorrow. right now, we've got our girls. crazy!


Josh said...

Cool pics, Great looking family. Congrats from Josh, Kelly and Amy!!!!!

Resident said...

Wow, just wow. What an intense, wonderful, scary, amazing thing. Parents of TWO girls now. So glad that Fuxiang was able to relax, sleep, connect. Poor little one has been through so much. Tell Xia she's amazing... you are all amazing and we can't wait for next installment and even more to hug you when you get home.

Marsi said...

I've been waiting for your post on your Gotcha Day! She looks so cute & seems like she was so well taken care of. Hope that her transition gets easier & easier & looking forward to more posts.

Shelby said...

Just adorable and so glad the transition went relatively smoothly. So wonderful of Xia to be such a great jie jie!

mcdiana said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing the pics. Love XX's hair! We used to wear ours that way!

Happy for you all! :)

Gary and Diana

mcdiana said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing the pics. Love XX's hair! We used to wear ours that way!

Happy for you all! :)

Gary and Diana

Michelle said...

So cute!!!! How cool. Congrats to all of you!!


hungryforthought said...

This is so exciting!
(I'm getting chills)...

Unknown said...


Congratulations! I have enjoyed following your blog. I hope everything continues to go well.
